Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Fed doesn't get it

The American Economy is crumbing. It is finally breaking from the stress of having become top heavy. The Fed once again has a solution to save it, CUT INTEREST RATES so people can get more credit. Ummmm HELLO! You guys are supposed to be economists, do you not see that the overabundance of credit has seriously fucked up this country already? Americans are working at Wal*Mart making 8 or 9 an hour and spending more than that to buy the cheap lead tainted shit imported from China on credit that makes huge profits for Citibank. This is the new versioni of scrip and the company store.

Standard logic would say that the best way to improve the state of the economy would be to CREATE JOBS that pay a living wage. When the economy took a major dump in the 1930s, President Franklin Delano Rosevelt established work programs that created what is to this day much of the backbone of the infrastructure of the US. That is what is needed today, a NEWER DEAL that gets people working at living wages. The corporations won't like that because the lower the unemployment rate the more they have to pay to get employees. They want you broke, and owing them money.

Rosevelt also did something that no one outside of Dennis Kucinich in the current crop of would be candidates has the balls to do, take on corporate power. To those who believe Sean Hannity's buillshit that Hillary Clinton is a communist, socialist, or even a true liberal, I feel sorry for your brain washing. She is bought and paid for by the same corporations that owned Bill. She may shift slightly to the left of the current administration which is about as far right as Moussolini's Italy, as they have ceded the power to the corporations.

But the fed will cut intrest rates, the stock market will go up, and the one percent that control 90 percent of the assets of this country will be happy. The rest of America will keep being pushed further towards the poverty line.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Operation Mindcrime has Returned

For various reasons, those of us here at Operation Mindcrime have been on a vacation, but now its time to come back and take a hard look at America and what has gone wrong with this country. More important than what is wrong is what we, the American Citizens, can do to fix it.

The Corporations have grabbed up far too much power, and have ruined the economy for those who are not wealthy like them. We are working harder for more hours and less money. There are less opportunities to get ahead, and its going to get worse.

Take the time and educate yourself. Don't be fooled the mainstream media does not have a 'liberal' bias as the windbags on the right claim. They have a distinct corporate bias. NBC is owned by General Electric which is a huge defense contractor. ABC is owned by Disney. CBS is owned by Viacom. Even the so called "Communist News Network" is owned by the AOL-Time Warner corporation. What is the goal of corporations? Anyone? Anyone? TO MAKE MONEY! The bias of those networks is towards anything that will improve their ratings and make their parent corporations richer.

We are on the leading edge of the next election cycle. It only seems like they have been running forever already, its still three months to the next primary. Notice how the media favors certain candidates from the beginning. Why? Because they want you to believe that only their chosen candidates have a chance of winning. They have already annoited Hillary Clinton the Democratic front runner based on fundraising and polls. OF COURSE SHE IS GOING TO POLL HIGH, everyone knows who she is. On the other hand, this is Dennis Kucinich's second presidential campaign and his name rarely gets mentioned. It is being treated as Clinton v Barrak Obama, forgetting that there are other candidates who as of now have exactly as many votes as Clinton.

Now is the time, educate yourself. Read as much as possible from as many sources as possible. I highly recommend the book Screwed:The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class by Thom Hartmann and America:What Went Wrong? by Donald L Barlett and James B Steele.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Fire Gonzales NOW!

The Bush Administration continues to show its blatant disregard for civil rights by standing up for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Under Gonzales's watch as the top law enforcement official in the United States, the FBI illegally used provisions of the patriot act to get private information on US citizens and fired several US Attorneys as political payback for not supporting the Republican Agenda. Oh yeah, he has also overseen a drastic rise in consenting adults looking at pictures and movies of other consenting adults in sexual situations.

Apparently in the eyes of Gonzales and the Bush administration that defends him its alright to violate the civil rights of American Citizens as long as you catch those who have an interest in pornography.

The good thing is that the US Congress is finally showing a backbone by preparing to issue subpoenas to Gonzales and his band of fascists including Karl Rove and Harriet Miers. Bush's response was to allow them to answer questions without being under oath of having transcripts made. That is a joke. Without transcripts or oaths it is worthless. Even if Karl Rove has an accident and tells something resembling the truth there would be no record of it.
Bush says that If the congress sticks to its guns and issues subpoenas then he will fight it in court. Well, Georgie, you don't have a congress in there that will be your boot licker any more, too bad so sad.

Frankly Gonzales needs to be fired. He has shown that he is more competent to run the local morality brigade than be the top law enforcement of the US. But, Bush doesn't want to sack one of his top stormtroopers, so I look forward to the battle ahead, and hope that the congress continues to have the sack to stand up to George.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Impoverished Americans in Record Numbers: The government says what we already know

Finally, there is a beginning of an acknowledgment that the United States of America is becoming increasingly an economically gentrified country. A report published by McClatchy Newspapers found that the number of people living in deep poverty is increasing at very alarming rates. Of course, this is not news to the majority of Americans who have seen the buying power of their wages erode over the years, but a corporation (McClatchy News) has actually noticed and done their job as the Third Estate and brought the dirty little secret to light.

If the McClatchy papers were to follow in the grand tradition of the Third Estate today's report would only be a beginning, and the story would gain momentum until those in power would have to notice and act. Alas, that is not likely to happen as the Third Estate has long since abandoned their social duties and focused on the profits to be had by publicizing the Anna Nicole Smith circus or Brittney Spears losing battle with hair clippers.

Normally, Operation:Mindcrime does not agree with the words of the Cato institute, but they spoke a deep dark truth by saying, "What appears to be taking place is that, over the long term, you have a significant permanent underclass that is not being impacted by anti-poverty policies" (emphasis added by author).

It is a sad turn of events that in the wealthiest nation in the history of this planet, there is rampant and increasing poverty. Nearly 16 million Americans live in deep poverty which is defined as less than 50% of the poverty level. (9,000/yr for a family or 5,000/yr for an individual) That is outrageous. These Americans combine for an income of only 144 billion (rounded off and assuming all make the highest level of 9k/yr.) That is less money that George W Bush wants to spend in Iraq in a year.

These numbers alone are disturbing, but they don't begin to tell the whole story. That number grew 26% between 2000 and 2005. During this time there has been a so-called economic recovery and expansion of the economy. This further shows that those who discuss the state of the economy live in an ivory tower and only look at the top strata.

"The plight of the severely poor is a distressing sidebar to an unusual economic expansion. Worker productivity has increased dramatically since the brief recession of 2001, but wages and job growth have lagged behind and the share of national income going to corporate profits has dwarfed the amount going to wages and salaries." This is the most damning statement on the state of the economy I have read since America:What Went Wrong? by Donald L Bartlet and James B Steele. In fact, if you extrapolate forward what Bartlet and Steele wrote forward from 1992 to 2005 this is the logical result of the trends referenced in their work.

In fact, let's break down the above quote one more time bit by bit, and I think that it shows the underlying culpability in the situation, and points to the nearly criminal attitudes of the corporate masters of this country.

*"The plight of the severely poor is a distressing sidebar to an unusual economic expansion." A rising group of impoverished people is referred to as a 'distressing sidebar' to an economic expansion? This sounds like classic Orwellian Doublespeak for "They don't match what we want to see, so we will brush them aside with false pity rather than look at their plight as truly part of the economic picture." Or more simply and even less Orwellian, "they don't count." How is it an 'economic expansion' when there are increasing numbers of people in poverty?

*"Worker productivity has increased dramatically since the brief recession of 2001, but wages and job growth have lagged behind..." In other words people are working harder to get more done, but they are getting less to show for it.

*" and the share of national income going to corporate profits has dwarfed the amount going to wages and salaries." I happen to think this speaks quite well for itself, in its damming of the handling of the economy.

This is a direct result of the corporate culture run amok. It is about maximizing profits at all costs, especially through sending their work overseas. It is because the industries that pay living wages are sending their work overseas, and the jobs that are growing are the retail and fast food sectors which pay poverty wages.

Sadly, unless this report wakes up those in power, which I happen to doubt even with the Democratic takeover of Congress, this is a trend that is going to continue. In fact, there is a report that Hershey is getting ready to trim 1,500 jobs by closing plants and moving operations to Mexico. (so much for the Great AMERICAN Chocolate Bar.)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

RIP Molly Ivans

Wow, what a loss for the opposition in this country. Molly Ivans was a great voice against the Bush administration, who used wit an humour to keep the administration on its toes. It is sad to know that her effective voice has been silenced from the political chorus in this country.

In this age of the right wing hack in the mold of Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh it was refreshing to have Ms Ivans's humour skewering the venomous words of the loud mouths.

Rest in peace, Ms Ivans, you will be missed

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

The New Year Brings Fresh Fertilizer

A few randomme thoughts as 2007 begins.

The Democratic Congress is seeking to raise the minimum wage. Bush has said he would agree but only combined with 'help' for businesses.

Does the execution of Saddam Hussein make you feel any safer? Not me.

The 08 Presidential field is beginning to take shape. Right now, Mickey Mouse should be the front runner.

If the media keeps hyping a Hillary-- Obama ticket, you know that there has to be something wrong with both of them.

Christmas is over, did you spend the most important thing? TIME with your kids?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Something We never thought We would Do

For the first time in the short history of Operation:Mindcrime we are actually coming to the aid of a corporation. Blasphemy! You are thinking. It is not a decision that was undertaken lightly, but one that we stand firm on. We are doing this not to aid that corporation, as much as to fight the green and monopolistic goals of another.

Operation:Mindcrime is asking our supporters to sign this petition to oppose the take over of Delta by US Airways. Why is O:MC that defender of the American Worker against corporate malfeasance asking that we support one corporation over another? Well, it is this simple if US Airways is allowed to complete this hostile take over then many of Delta's union workers will be out of a job as US Airways "eliminates redundancies." Additionally, if this takeover is successful then the US Airways-Delta-America West Cartel can set their sights on other carriers, forcing American, United, etc to look for other carriers to absorb to maintain competition. In the end, you are looking at only 3 or 4 carriers which would be able to easily fix prices, and provide questionable service.

If you are still not convinced that this is not a sell out for cheap airline tickets, (O:MC has not been offered any incentives to adopt this position) I point towards the merger mania that engulfed the oil companies in the 80s and 90s and the effect that has had on gas prices. Do you really think that if there five times as many companies fighting for the same market share the prices would have risen as drastically?

Protect consumers and the Delta workers by supporting Delta as a stand alone carrier. If Delta enters into any talks of mergers with another carrier, Operation: Mindcrime will immediately withdraw its support.